Mois : janvier 2025
Géraldine Gautrand Learn French or improve it
La Canopée de Mareil
Behind the scenes / Les coulisses du Snippet
People often ask me if it’s difficult to find subjects to write about but my reply is always the same. There is never a shortage of content. There is always a central theme be it a news event, seasonal or an idea triggered by something I have heard or read. Sometimes it takes a bit of reflection on the angle to adopt. The main challenge is how to say a lot in a relatively small space, so articles have to be cropped and cropped again. A chat over a cup…
Read MoreThe Snippet Needs You! / Le Snippet a besoin de vous !
When I started The Snippet as a free paper, it was to make every day English accessible to all. Nicolas Sarkozy, President at the time, had said everyone should be bilingual! It was a chance to do what I had always wanted to do, to publish a paper. It was an entrepreneurial venture, which incidentally was shortlisted for two regional awards, though not necessarily one that would make a lot of money, the press rarely falls within that category. The Snippet does however need to pay its way and with…
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